Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today was rather shitty and embarrassing. My parents came to visit I almost forgot
Anyway long story short, my mom ended up cuffed and taken away in a police car. My dad had to post 1000$ bail to get her out.

She has written me off as her daughter, told my best friends to fuck off and told my dad she never asked for a lesbian.

She totally didn't keep it together. She raided the house taking the things she had given me over time screaming SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T HAVE MOTHERS. THEY DON'T HAVE ANY OF THESE THINGS! 

She was being defiant with the police who only came bc they heard the commotion from a random car accident  next door.

I don't know. I guess I don't have a "mom" anymore but you know what, mom? You weren't there for me anyway when all the sick shit was going down and if you didn't ever ask for me- I never asked to be fucking born to begin with!


Anonymous said...

beautiful right of anger, i ma sorry you had to go thru all the bullshit. I was abused and fucked with during my childhood. you are your own mother, motha! sending you love and spider webs. fuckkkk a bitch!

luddie girl.

davey said...

ohmygod ash! im so sorry that happened to you! love you.

Marisol, switched at Birth said...

<3 to you both