Thursday, June 25, 2009

earth consumption/blind condition

 Mushrooms= earth agent, expressing true beauty in the psychiatry of parallel planes. The ocean can be inhaled as mist, particles of salt, filtered in the channels and airways of your lungs. It sinks into skin/ dehydrates within.

Raw, submissive, multidimensional...

I spent hours thinking, my eyes and mind fluttering. Burrowed behind the cascading overflow of my physical appearance, I am always an animal, wishing to be nude. My hatred towards society grows incessantly. I despise the (in)convenience of overproduction, the pedestals of commodity, the absurdity of money, the shamelessness of people,driven between sleep by the stock market.

I am down to earth, an earth sign. 

Until I apologized for the fuck up of my father, I hallucinated hissing, snake skin appearing/slithering in my beach towel, in the sand disappearing/reappearing around the dunes.

Astrally projected under the closest star, I juxtaposed myself across the country into the dirty urban desert to see my grandmother's face, to see my brother and his family, to be with my warm lover in the clouds of our nest.

Religion became senseless, Living is just existing, filling time and space with faces and memories. I wish not to be separated from biological instincts but I am.

So much splendor just ceases before darkness, black light reclaims my soul, not always evil, perhaps empty- who knows how long I've kept it under control.

1 comment:

azure moon said...

Isn't it great to be reminded of the basic creatures we are and how our Earth Mother cradles us? To pierce for a moment the veil we hang about ourselves, a veil formed of the notions of society and threads of our material existence. To just BE, our spirit absorbing and prisming the energies around us. Awareness is a double edged sword, and when we open our mind's eye wider we take in more than we sometimes are ready for. Witnessing the eternal clash of creative and entropic energies is both wondrous and frightening. The beauty of the world elates the soul while the essential darkness reminds us of our own finiteness and insignificance. A bittersweet symphony. Such is God's Playground of Free Will. Those are beautiful pictures of the beach, brings a smile. Makes me think laughingly of Kingdom Hears 2 with the whole town that existed in the computer and the group of friends trying to get to the beach. In your enui I hope you find answers for you that are yours and not your parents or friends' or society's. You decide your purpose, never surrender that to anyone.